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(Free Info) Using the Color Coded System - Intro - MrMikesMusicMats has 30+ color-coded mats in the curriculum that teach the theory of rhythm and melody. Including a minor scale, C diatonic scale, quarter note rhythms, chromatic scale, lines and spaces.

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(Color Coded System)

My color-coded system is used throughout my curriculum.

It’s based on the current colors of Boomwhackers and various similar bell and melodic instruments. MrMikes system teaches the Boomwhacker colors with lines and spaces of the Treble Clef.

My system also has quarter and eighth note ensembles with Boomwhackers, playing different quarter / eighth note beats.

Utilizing MrMikes method for sight-reading and rhythmic learning will advance your students skills at a higher level, and much quicker. You’ll be amazed at students sight-reading skills as they learn lines and spaces from the reinforced MrMike’s color system.

MrMikesMusicMats has 30+ color-coded mats in the curriculum that teach the theory of rhythm and melody. Including a minor scale, C diatonic scale, quarter note rhythms, chromatic scale, lines and spaces of the treble clef.


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